“Catholic, Gay and Feeling Just Fine.”

“Catholic, Gay and Feeling Just Fine.” http://www.strangenotions.com/catholic-gay/

Just found this article that practically captured every single thing I’m feeling right now. Unfortunately, my writing simply isn’t up to par and I am unable to express myself as beautifully and elegantly as this man can. 🙂

I don’t support the LGBT movement in any way, but I have homosexual friends as well and I love them just the same. I just wish people on this earth would be more open-minded.

Better Blind

I do think it better
If we were blind
To the colors, shapes and sizes of
Humans like you and I.
Blind to the misclassifications
Of specimens
That we observe and label
With excessive care and cruelty.

Perhaps it would be better
If we were blind
Than to have poisoned hearts overflowing with

Maybe, just maybe,
If we were born blind,
Turn back time
To where it all began,
There would finally be